Diverters, pushers and gates are used when controlling the continuous flow of products through the line is critical to maintain efficiency. Product flow is achieved using a variety of methods and components depending on the product, flow path and equipment with which to interface.
Recently, a customer was in need of adjusting their equipment to meet the needs of introducing two new sized tubs of salad greens to their production line. The goal was to find a sanitary solution that could divert the new multiple sized tubs to their intended line. For applications that require modularity but do not necessarily need a complex solution, like the one above, a divert arm serves as a simple and effective solution. Additionally, utilizing an AquaGard 7350 as the base conveyor provides a system that consists of FDA approved belting and components. This particular application also includes a powered transfer that is used to maintain speed through the transfer to ensure production efficiency doesn’t miss a beat.
There are a variety of applications for which a diverter can be utilized. Some of the major uses include changes to product direction in singular or multiple locations and meter flow to specific areas that separate products based on certain attributes. Dependent on the application, diverters can be controlled via proximity switches, photo eyes, and counters, or manually like the application above. Dorner also has divert options available for both industrial and sanitary environments.